Our VW service package is paramount and offers
- Reductions in excess of half of main dealer prices.
- Our mechanics are ex-dealership and are fully trained in every aspect of maintenance and tuning.
- Servicing is available at only £79.50 per hour + VAT and offers substantial reductions even when it comes to original VW parts. We offer you the choice to select the replacement part quality, but always suggest original is the best.
- Irrespective of whether your VW is due for a small or large service, we will always aim to have the vehicle back within the same day.
- Diagnostics is charged FROM £79.50 + Vat
- We can fit K&N High flow air filters* when carrying out servicing. They not only offer a performance gain and a reduction in fuel consumption, but also last up to six years which is a good cost saving on annual servicing! Please contact us for pricing to include K&N high flow air filters in your service.
- We only use the finest quality appropriate Synthetic oils when servicing your vehicle. This means enhanced performance and longevity of your engine!
- All service books are stamped and your manufacturer’s warranty will remain valid
- Change oil & filter
- Check tyres & pressures
- Top up screen wash bottle
- Check anti-freeze strength
- Check gear box oil level
- Visually check front brake pads / discs
- Visually check rear brake pads / discs where necessary
- Check brake fluid level and top up where necessary
- Check lights, wipers, washers, horn, drive belts
- Lubricate door hinges, seat runners
- Check steering, suspension & exhaust
- Check the car over to ensure it is roadworthy
The Large Service encompasses ALL the elements of the Lubrication Service AS WELL AS the following:
- Change air filter and fuel filter
- Remove rear wheels and brake drums. Check brake shoes and wheel cylinders and report as necessary.
- Check rear wheel bearings and adjust as necessary
- Check fuel emissions & alternator output
- Check primary and secondary ignition as appropriate
- Access and note engine, airbag and ABS diagnostic fault code memories
- Road-test the vehicle
All prices listed above exclude brake pads or discs and diagnostics (parts only offered if necessary). If additional parts are required we will advise you accordingly.
All service books are stamped and warranties remain valid. This is according to EU law which stated that aftermarket specialists can carry out services to all vehicles and ensure manufacturer warranties remain. This is called ‘Block exemption’. Please read below for further information on this.
EU Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (EU) 461/2010 (MVBER)
The motor vehicle sector benefits from its own block exemption or ‘safe harbour’ from competition rules for agreements for the distribution and servicing of motor vehicles in the EU where it can be shown that there are efficiency benefits for business and consumers alike.
A revised MVBER ((EU) 461/2010) and accompanying guidelines came into force on 1 June 2010 and apply to repair and maintenance services only. The MVBER is valid until 2023 though the guidelines can be reviewed at any time by the European Commission.
Following public consultation, the European Commission considered that a specific block exemption is no longer warranted for the sale of new cars and commercial vehicles. The Commission has therefore provided for a three year transition period until 2013 during which the previous MVBER ((EC) 1400/2002) will continue to apply. After this transitional period, the general block exemption on vertical distribution agreements ((EU) 330/2010) only will apply to the sale of new cars and commercial vehicles.
An overview of the competition rules relating to agreements between vehicle manufacturers and their authorised dealers, repairers and spare parts distributors for the distribution and servicing of motor vehicles in the EU can be found at the following link:
European Commission-Competition-Motor vehicles
These rules aim, in particular, to increase competition in the market for repair and maintenance by improving access for the independent repair and servicing sector to the technical information needed for repairs and by making it easier to use alternative spare parts.
The MVBER is directly enforced in the UK by the Office of Fair Trading, (OFT) who has responsibility for the enforcement of competition rules in the UK. The OFT can be approached for advice on any competition related complaint and can advise on any cross border issues.
Model |
Lubrication Service Price from Excluding Vat (£) |
Large Service Price from Excluding Vat (£) |
Beetle |
99.00 |
245.15 |
Eos |
99.00 |
255.09 |
Golf Petrol |
99.00 |
245.15 |
Golf TD/TDI |
99.00 |
251.09 |
Golf GT/ GTI |
99.00 |
255.71 |
Lupo |
99.00 |
195.19 |
Passat Petrol |
99.00 |
245.15 |
Passat TDI |
99.00 |
259.59 |
Phaeton |
149.00 |
349.55 |
Polo Petrol |
99.00 |
225.07 |
Polo Diesel |
99.00 |
225.07 |
Sharan 2.0 |
99.00 |
195.19 |
Sharan VR6 |
99.00 |
255.71 |
Scirocco Petrol |
99.00 |
295.53 |
Scirocco Diesel |
99.00 |
279.63 |
Touran Petrol |
99.00 |
295.53 |
Touran Diesel |
99.00 |
279.63 |
Touareg Petrol |
99.00 |
295.53 |
Touareg Diesel |
99.00 |
279.63 |